Treatment For Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a serious dental problem that can lead to tooth pain, infection and even tooth loss. Treatment for tooth decay depends on the stage of the cavity. When it is caught early, a dentist can often remineralize the enamel of a tooth with fluoride treatments and improved oral hygiene. But once a cavity spreads beyond the enamel, it can only be treated with fillings, crowns and other dental restorations.응암동치과추천

Tooth cavities begin when bacteria eat away at the minerals in your teeth. The acids they produce form a soft, sticky film called plaque that builds up on your teeth. If left untreated, plaque can harden into tartar. The bacteria in plaque and tartar can also irritate your gums, which can lead to gum disease.

Our mouths are full of bacteria, but most are helpful. Some, such as those that cause cavities, use the sugar and starch in our food to make acid. The acid eats away at the minerals in your teeth, forming holes in the enamel of your teeth. When too many minerals are lost, the enamel weakens and breaks down, causing a cavity.

At the very early stages of a cavity, you may not notice any symptoms. However, if it continues to grow the cavity will eventually reach the dentin layer under the enamel. At this point you might notice sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks, or a toothache. If the decay progresses to the nerve in the centre of the tooth (pulp), an infection may form. This can cause pain, swelling of the face or jaw and fever.

The best way to prevent cavities is to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist for regular cleanings and exams. Twice-a-year visits allow your dentist to examine your teeth for signs of decay, such as a softer texture. They can also use a probe to check for the depth of a cavity and take dental X-rays, which can spot cavities between your teeth.

A new American Dental Association clinical guideline recommends a conservative approach to treating moderate and advanced tooth decay in both primary and permanent teeth. It recommends selective cavity treatment, or CTR, in which most of the decayed tissue is removed and the tooth sealed with a filling or cap. This technique reduces the risk of complications, such as infection and re-decay, and may result in better outcomes for patients than traditional cavity treatment methods.

The most common treatment for a tooth cavity is a tooth filling. During this procedure, the dentist drills out the decayed material from the tooth and then uses a filling, such as composite resin, to restore the tooth. In more severe cases, the dentist may need to remove the infected tissue and place a dental crown. Dental crowns are custom-fitted caps that encase the entire tooth to protect it from further damage and keep the pulp in the centre of the tooth intact. The crown can be made from gold, porcelain, resin or stainless steel.이일우치과