Hair Loss Treatment Starts With Finding Out What’s Causing it

Hair loss treatment starts with finding out what’s causing it. A board-certified dermatologist has in-depth knowledge about the many causes of hair loss and the most effective treatments for each. He or she may use a device called a dermoscope to look at your scalp and hair for clues. He or she also will ask you questions and do a physical exam.서면탈모병원

Hormonal changes or medical conditions can cause temporary or permanent hair loss. These include hormonal changes from pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause; thyroid problems; and alopecia areata (al-o-PEE-she-uh ar-e-A-tuh), which is an immune system problem that causes patchy hair loss. Other causes of hair loss are scalp infections such as ringworm, and a hair-pulling disorder called trichotillomania (trik-oh-til-oh-MAY-nee-uh). Medications can also cause hair loss. Hair loss is a side effect of drugs used to treat cancer, high blood pressure, depression, heart problems, and gout. Radiation therapy to the head also can cause hair loss.

Stress and certain hairstyles can also trigger thinning or balding. Excessive hair styling, such as tight braids and pigtails, can lead to a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. This usually is a temporary condition.

In addition to treating underlying conditions, hair loss treatments aim to encourage hair growth and thickening. These treatments include over-the-counter or prescription medications and some surgical procedures.

Genetics and family history are the most common causes of thinning or balding in men and women. This is known as androgenic or female-pattern alopecia, and it shows up in predictable patterns — a receding hairline and bald spots for men, and thinning or bald patches on the crown for women.

A dietary supplement with iron and other vitamins may help reduce thinning hair in women. Your doctor can check your blood level for iron deficiency and recommend supplements if necessary. Over-the-counter and prescription hair loss medications can also slow or reverse patterned baldness, especially minoxidil lotion and finasteride tablets. Hair transplant surgery is another option, and it involves moving healthy hair follicles from the back of your head to bald or thinning areas. However, this treatment isn’t always effective for everyone and is expensive. Other cosmetic options include wigs and camouflage sprays. 부산탈모병원