Hair Implant Surgery

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that moves healthy hairs from areas of dense growth to bald or thinning areas. The surgeon removes a strip of hair-bearing scalp from the back of your head, which is called the donor area. They then expertly remove individual follicular units of hair and place them in bald or thinning areas of your head. Hair implants can help regain thick, full hair, and boost your self-confidence.서면모발이식

Unlike hair replacements or synthetic hair, hair transplants are permanent and completely natural-looking. The best candidates for hair restoration are people who have a lot of hair growing in the donor area, or areas that will be covered by new hair. In addition, a patient should be willing to commit to yearly maintenance and check-ups for the best results.

The surgery is performed with local anesthesia to numb the scalp and medicine to relax you. It usually takes about four to eight hours, but this varies depending on the size of the transplant and how many hairs are being moved.

For most patients, the recovery period is about 10 to 12 days. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions to ensure healing is fast and the grafts stay secure. The scalp may feel tender, so pain medication is often prescribed. Some of the grafts will fall out during the first few months, but they will regenerate.

A hair transplant is a great solution for men and women who have lost their hair due to aging, injury or genetics. It can restore a more youthful appearance by filling in thin or bald areas of the scalp, and can also improve the appearance of scars from previous hair loss or accidents.

During the surgery, your dermatologist will take healthy hair follicles from an area of dense hair (often the back or sides of the scalp), and then place them in areas where the hair is thinning or falling out. This technique is known as hair restoration, or follicular unit transplantation (FUT), and it is far superior to the old “hair plug” method, which required surgeons to move whole tufts of hair that did not always look very natural.

Other types of hair transplants include follicular unit extraction (FUE), which involves using a motorized punch to remove follicular units from the scalp, and the grafts are then placed into small holes in the scalp. Another option is a miniaturized hair transplant, which uses tiny slits in the scalp and smaller follicular units that are then fused to existing hair.

If you are considering a hair implant, it is important to find a doctor who has experience with the procedure and understands how it works. They should be able to explain the pros and cons of the different procedures to help you decide what is right for you. It is also important to know that the results of a hair transplant will not be immediate, and it can take several months for the newly regenerated hair to grow in.부산탈모병원