
What to Expect From a Hair Loss Hospital

A hair loss hospital has a team of experts who can diagnose the cause of your condition and recommend an appropriate treatment. 부산탈모 This might involve a physical exam, family and medical history, and questions about medications you are taking or have taken in the past. Your doctor may also run tests to uncover possible causes of your hair loss, such as a blood test or scalp biopsy (a procedure where a small piece of skin and/or a few plucked hairs are examined under a microscope).

Medications can stop further hair loss, reduce the rate of existing hair loss, and promote hair growth. They might be prescription or over-the-counter. 부산탈모병원

For example, a dermatologist might prescribe an oral drug like finasteride or a topical medication that inhibits DHT levels. In some cases, a DHT inhibitor might be combined with another medication to achieve even better results. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are a safe and natural method of encouraging new hair growth by using a concentrated amount of your own platelets, which are cells that help your blood clot.