Hair Transplantation – What You Need to Know

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that moves healthy hairs from areas of your scalp with fuller growth to bald or thinning areas. The result is more natural-looking, dense hair and a confidence boost for many people.무모증모발이식

Before undergoing surgery, it is important to understand that this treatment cannot create new hair follicles. It can only transplant follicles from areas that have hair growth to bald or thinning areas where they will be most effective. For this reason, you may require more than one treatment session to achieve the desired effect.

During the hair transplantation process, the surgeon will remove a strip of skin from the back of your head (or another area with thicker hair growth) to serve as donor tissue. This is usually done using a surgical blade or needle. After the strip has been removed, it is carefully separated under a microscope into individual follicular units that contain one to several hairs each. The follicular units are then inserted into tiny cuts or slits in the bald or thinning areas of your scalp.

The size and shape of the grafts will determine how natural-looking your results will be. Round grafts typically have 10-15 hairs, while mini-grafts have 2-4 hairs and micro-grafts have one to two hairs per follicle. The surgeon will then suture the donor site closed, leaving a linear scar in the scalp.

After your operation, it is normal for the transplanted hairs to shed and fall out. This is because they have entered a new phase in the hair cycle, and it will be some time before your transplanted hairs grow again. It is important to follow your surgeon’s advice on how to care for your scalp post-procedure, as this will help to reduce the chances of infection and speed up healing.

Your doctor will clean and numb the bald or thinning area of your scalp, which is called the recipient region. Then they will make holes or slits in the scalp using a scalpel or needle, which is done to ensure that the grafts are planted correctly. Once the grafts are planted, they will be covered with gauze and a dressing. It is important not to shave the grafts for the first few days as this could dislodge them from their proper place in your head.

It is also essential to follow your doctor’s post-operation instructions, which will often include the use of special shampoos that are designed to help hairs grow faster and healthier. It is also important to avoid activities that might damage your hair follicles, such as excessively brushing your hair or swimming in chlorinated water.

Hair transplantation is considered cosmetic surgery and therefore does not qualify for rebates from Medicare or private health insurance companies. However, if your hair loss is caused by medical conditions, it can be considered reconstructive and may be covered under some policies. It is also worth checking with your doctor to see if there are any other treatments that would be suitable for you.모우다의원