Hair Implantation – What Are the Different Types of Hair Implantation Procedures?

Hair implantation

Hair implantation is a surgical procedure used to replace hair in balding areas. It involves cutting a long strip of scalp from the donor area. The strip is then dissected into follicular units (one strand or cluster of hairs). The follicles are then transplanted into tiny incisions that have been made on the recipient area.

Direct hair implantation

Direct hair implantation is a procedure that uses a pen-like device to place grafts into recipient sites. This method is faster, and does not require stitches or scalpels. It also leaves no visible scar after the procedure is complete. It also improves the survival rate of the grafts. It also uses local anesthesia, so you don’t experience any pain afterward.


Direct FUE hair implantation is a faster, more precise method of hair transplantation. This technique uses a fine-tipped pen to implant hair follicles directly into the scalp, resulting in less bleeding and shorter recovery times. It also offers a more natural look due to its lower infection risk. Direct FUE also eliminates the need for any cuts or stitches, and newly planted hair follicles start growing much more quickly.

Choi Implanter Pen

The Choi Implanter Pen is a minimally invasive device that helps surgeons perform hair implantation procedures more quickly and efficiently. The pen works by removing hair from the donor area and implanting it into the specific area where the hair will grow. This method reduces downtime after the procedure, minimizes trauma to the follicles and ensures the best possible results.

Natural hair transplants

If you have thinning hair or receding hairlines, natural hair transplants for hair implantation could be the answer. The procedure transplants hair from a permanent donor area into the recipient area, where it continues to grow. While the results aren’t as natural as those of other hair transplant procedures, they can still provide a functional and aesthetic solution.

Shock hair loss

Shock hair loss following hair implantation is a common side effect of hair transplant surgery and can affect both sexes. It’s caused by stress on miniaturized hair, which falls out for a short time. However, it’s temporary and it will grow back thick and full. This complication can be avoided by preparing for it before it occurs.