What is the Cause of Bad Breath?

Many people know that a bad smell when waking up is normal, but what many people don’t realize is that if their breath doesn’t go away after brushing their teeth and using mouthwash or gum and mints, it could be a sign of an underlying health condition. Bacteria in the mouth produce odorous substances, and when they are not washed away, it causes halitosis. A variety of foods, health conditions and habits can cause halitosis, and the best way to combat it is to work with a dental or medical professional to make sure that a serious problem does not exist.입냄새원인

Garlic, onions, fish and strong spices all give off odors that can affect the breath. Those who smoke often experience bad breath, because smoking can irritate the mouth and throat, and can dry out the saliva that helps keep the mouth clean. Drinking alcohol or coffee can also contribute to halitosis, as can chewing tobacco or other forms of inhalant use. When a person has bad breath, they may be dehydrated, so it’s important to drink plenty of water throughout the day. If a health condition is to blame, such as diabetes, gum disease, certain cancers or metabolic disorders, the doctor will be able to help with treatment.

Gum disease causes bad breath, because bacteria that collect on the teeth and in the gum pockets release a foul odor when broken down by the body. If a dentist determines that gum disease is the root of the problem, the dentist will treat it or refer the patient to a periodontist, a specialist in treating gum diseases. In addition, the dentist will recommend that patients brush their teeth regularly, floss at least once a day and clean in-between their teeth with a specialized product like a perio toothbrush or floss. It is also recommended that they try to avoid acidic foods and drinks, and chew sugar-free gum or a piece of candy to stimulate the production of saliva.

Medications can also cause halitosis, particularly those that reduce the amount of saliva produced, such as antidepressants, nitrates used to treat angina and some chemotherapy drugs. Some medications can also create their own odors when they are broken down by the liver, such as phenothiazines and benzodiazepines.

Sometimes, a person’s breath may smell fruity or like nail polish, as a result of a liver problem, ketones caused by uncontrolled diabetes or a bowel obstruction. If the halitosis does not respond to good oral hygiene and other home treatments, a visit with the dentist or family doctor is suggested so that a specific cause can be found and treated, if necessary. Even if the cause is not found, it is important to get the halitosis under control so that it doesn’t lead to other more serious problems. In some cases, a person may have a false sense of having bad breath, or halitophobia, which can be difficult to overcome without the assistance of a mental health professional.해우소한의원