What to Expect When You Visit a Hair Loss Hospital

When you visit a hair loss hospital, your healthcare provider can help you find the cause of your thinning hair or baldness. He or she will ask about your medical history and examine your scalp, skin and hair to make a diagnosis. The doctor may also do some tests, such as a blood test or a scalp biopsy — a procedure in which the doctor removes a small sample of skin and hair to look at under a microscope for signs of inflammation.서면모발이식병원

a side effect of some medications, such as lithium, beta-blockers, warfarin, heparin, amphetamines or levodopa (Atamet, Larodopa, Sinemet). Stress, diet and lifestyle can also cause hair loss. You should tell your doctor about your lifestyle, including how often you shampoo or blow dry your hair, use hair products and whether you have any family members who have a similar hair loss pattern. Hair transplantation — a procedure in which a strip of hair-bearing skin is removed from the back of your head and put on bald areas of the scalp — is available to treat some patients with permanent hair loss.부산탈모병원